At last, The secret To Tomato Farming In Africa Revealed – Top Tips To Grow Your Tomatoes

Tomato plant is well known for its high productivity and rapid growth in Africa and various part of the world. It has the lightest growing methods, making it a favorite among others.

There are many tomato growing tips in Africa that we can adapt to get a great harvest. In this article, we will try to explain the best tips for planting and growing tomatoes in Africa. The current tomato growing system improves and surpasses the conventional non-automatic method.

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Tomato Growing Guide

As a vegetable gardener, you know that anything you grow in your field or pot needs special care. Often groups of people study a particular crop to facilitate the growth process and increase the result. This is an ideal crop for greenhouse growers. The parts of total material success depend on 4 main things.

  1. Choice of profitable species
  2. bed preparation and correct implantation,
  3. Soil management, seed preparation, fertilization and soil processing
  4. Surveillance: parasites and disease management


When you decide to grow this crop. We thought you were choosing the right variety for the season you want to grow based on your region. But we got lost because it is not wise to suggest that the species grow. It depends on geography and time.


Like other agricultural items, we asked a group of people to share their hidden tricks for growing profitable crops. In the process, we collected data from tomato growers. Below are the best tips we’ve come across. Let’s learn the best tips for growing tomatoes to get the best result,


  1. Preparation of the seed for the tomato plant

The first tips for growing tomatoes prepare the seed beds. If the minimum temperature exceeds 12ºC, the tomatoes will start sprouting within a week of sowing. If the temperature drops below this temperature, they will stop growing. This is very important to protect the seed pads from low night temperatures. Maintain stable humidity for seed germination.

The transplant is complete when the plants reach a height of at least 15-20 cm. However, if the risk of cold passes, you should wait a little longer.

Place a 30-40 liter substrate plant in pots.

There are also vertical tomato plants that are great for tomatoes. Which you can hang on your balcony so that space is no problem to enjoy the freshly picked tomato. About 40 cm between plants and about 80 cm between rows should be placed in the planting frame.


This is necessary to retain soft moisture on the substrate or soil immediately after transplanting until the plants take root. But don’t forget to keep the garden in the warmest place. For tomato plants, the more sunlight, the more tomatoes ripen.

  1. Tomato Seed Harvesting Tips

You can plant a tomato seed plant until mid or late winter. But only if you have a seedling that gets enough natural light. When spring time returns, you can let the plants out in the field. It is a bright place, but protected from direct sunlight.

Tomatoes prefer warm climates and sunny conditions. They are great sun worshipers, so we need to give them the sunniest corner of our patio. If you want the plant to grow vertically, it is necessary to prune some branches. As the plant matures, yellowish leaves will begin to appear. Then remove them, wait about 65-70 days to get the tomatoes and enjoy them.

  1. Planting tomatoes

You need to tidy up the sunny area of ​​the garden where you add the compost and fertilizer. So lay the beds for watering. Plant tomatoes in a wide planting frame about 70 cm between plants and one meter between rows.

  • Efficient purchase of containers. Can be planted directly.
  • Here, for garden or containers, it is easy to plant them.
  • Immerse the pots in water so that the plant extracts the entire root ball.
  • Then place the plant towards the ground and remove the cup while holding it with your fingers.
  • Lightly press the soil against the root ball with your hands and leave a small hole.
  • Then you have to inject a liter of water into the hole, wait until it is absorbed.
  • Finally, cover with dry ground to keep the moisture longer.
  1. Fertilization and tillage before planting

In fact, manual chopping uses the distribution of hoes and droplets on the ridges. It is possible to remove polyethylene when planting seedlings collected from nurseries. Wait up to 15 days after transplantation. Then prune the first side buds.

But to collect more

  • One end of the factory can be replaced with a frame with polypropylene wire. As a greenhouse, it will act as a shadow.
  • Auxiliary buds of the main strand stem to cut the back bud. Therefore, it can stimulate the growth of seven or eight bunches of flowers available to the plant.
  • Bumblebee pollination, design control and fertilization depend on associated field material techniques.
  • These integrated production criteria reduce chemical treatment. When the first bunch of tomatoes is fully grown, the harvest begins.


if you want to grow them in pots or bags,

Choose a potted blend: Use a peat-free blend – a blend of peat, sphagnum moss, and vermiculite. This will significantly reduce the chances of soil-borne diseases and pests damaging your newborn’s seedlings.

  1. Seedling care

Seedling care is the most important part of getting healthy plants. Without healthy plants, no one will ever dream of a good harvest. In addition, they are more vulnerable to pests and diseases. Here are some tips for caring for tomato seedlings:

  • Water properly – do not water. Do not let the bed dry out or dry out. Water when needed, we recommend watering every two days.
  • Adequate Sunlight – Provide adequate sunlight in the morning at this stage. But keep them in the shade throughout the day.
  • Indoor growing: 4 “grow lights will be ideal. Also, you need to adjust the distance to the light when adjusting the trays. The main goal should be to ensure an ideal temperature of 50 ° F to 80 ° F.
  • Suppression – Inadequate bedding, temperature or watering can cause this disease. If the seedlings are wet, take them out of the pallet bed.
  1. Correct spacing of the seedling

Properly arranged tomato seedlings should look better and give better results. These tomato growing tips are needed to get the best result. Like other crops such as carrots, cabbage, onions, and ginger, the spacing of tomatoes depends on a few reasons;

Tomato seedlings should be planted in a row 8-12 feet apart. However, the rows should be spaced approximately 16-18 feet apart.

READ ALSO:How To Keep Rat Away From Tomato Plants – An Incredible Easy Method That Works For All

The first is the type of tomatoes you grow. there are two types of tomatoes.

  1. Determines – Also known as “bushy tomatoes”. They are usually between three and four feet tall. It needs neither sticks nor anything else. You can plant them eight to nine feet apart.

In that case, you grow them in a pot. The pot size must be larger than 4 feet.


  1. Unspecified – This plant is larger than other varieties. They need support to grow as they can be seven to nine feet tall. So, here we recommend planting between ten and twelve feet.

However, to grow in pots, it is necessary to choose large ones. The ideal size will be a bag or pot six to seven feet wide. This allows for the best care of the seedlings.

  1. Tomato planting tricks

Other tips for growing tomatoes are for planting seedlings. When the seeds grow, discard all synthetic seeds. The tomato plant is a plant that needs enough sun. It’s not even worth trying to plant tomatoes in your garden if they don’t get at least 6 hours of sun a day. Tomato does not form easily in shady places.


  • We recommend that the tomato plant have warm roots. That is why it is necessary to remove the lower leaves.
  • In addition, plant tomato plants deeper until the first leaves that have been removed at an earlier stage. This will allow the roots to develop along all their stems.
  • Grow the plant in a vertical position so that the sun covers the plant roots openly on the ground. This is a simple way to grow tomatoes in the garden with plastic containers.
  • However, always water the tomato seedlings with chlorine-free water. Precisely moisten directly on the dishes with a suitable hole.


Other tips for growing tomatoes are necessary after planting.

  1. Garden care tips

Here are some great tomato growing tips we got from the established James Family Farm vegetable grower.

  • More sun means more fruit
  • Combination with carrots, basil, onions, garlic and ginger
  • Removing the suction cups – prune with your fingers or scissors
  • If you grow indefinite varieties (large plants), keep them from one month of age.
  • When the fruit develops, water deeply every day.
  • Use the fertilizer correctly, read – Fertilization tips
  • To prevent disease: crop rotation per year benefits commercial farmers.
  1. Provide enough light:

Tomatoes need a lot of light. If you have started growing, you should provide as little light as possible. When you grow tomatoes, nothing happens, but you need to provide those 14-18 hours of artificial light indoors.

It should be only a few inches from the plants so they don’t last long. When they are ready for outdoor planting, we will choose a sunny location. This actively affects other tomato growing tips.

  1. Irrigation and moisture management

The tomato plant needs more stable subtle watering than watering, which causes a score. Try watering the root days. Let the plant take some stress to allow it to adapt and take root deep.

  • Use padding to reduce water waste and loss of fertile soil. When creating tomato plants, always leave the roots underground to improve the soil and not remove the soil. It is best to build the substrate before planting to ensure good moisture distribution.
  • It must be watered thoroughly so as not to sweep the seeds. Remember to water the corners, especially at the ends of the bench.
  • Also, you have to be very careful with water.
  • If possible, control this procedure by instillation. This allows for proper use of water and saves thousands of liters of water per year.
  1. Mulching

This is very useful on hot summer days. Especially when the ground exceeds the tolerance level. This helps maintain soil moisture, protects the plant from hot temperatures, and keeps weeds away.

Immediately after planting around the plant, mulch the tomato plants with organic mulch. However, leave some areas near the stem so that water can effectively enter the roots.

  1. Fertilization

In this phase of the tips for growing tomatoes, we will read the most delicate part.

You have to fertilize the plant every week to grow many tomatoes. Use an applicator and fertilize directly on the leaves. Do not assume that there is no fertilizer in the substrate unless stated on the label.

  • You should use fertilizer as soon as seedlings appear with a 20-20-20 greenhouse soluble mixture two or three times a week.
  • At this stage of fertilization, seedlings can damage or cause seedling fall disease to grow.
  • Nitrogen and potassium are the best fertilizers you can feed your plant with.
  • Furthermore, organic solutions and natural remedies are more effective in eliminating and treating parasites and diseases.
  1. Tips to prevent tomato pests

Well, that’s not a growing tip. But since they have a huge impact on the outcome, we decide to include it in this article. To stop some parasites, it is better to revive the plant if the garlic dressing is diluted to 20%, potassium soap or better nettle maceration better than within 24 hours. If the maceration of the nettle is shorter than 24 hours, it causes a fungicidal result such as horseradish decoction.

  • First of all, the Bordeaux mixture is beneficial for mold.
  • You have to be careful and notice that it does have an ecological source.
  • Zooming in on tomatoes is quite intriguing, but if you put them too close, the chances of the disease will increase.
  • And rats are one of the most common animals that destroy good crops. If you want to check them out. Read “How to get rid of sputtering rats”.
  • One of the most effective pest prevention measures is crop rotation in the same soil.
  • However, maintain healthy soil free of impurities. More importantly, this balance is needed to take care of crop health.
  • Therefore, always apply a layer of mulch so that the soil can take care of the moisture level and temperature. Thus promoting fertility.
  1. Collection tips:

However, this is not a tip for growing tomatoes. But with good care, collecting them properly will increase your profits.

Tomatoes usually grow in summer and late fall. However, there are many fruits of tomato varieties throughout the year. However, the tomato harvest begins after two or three months. The counting begins with the transplantation by variety. Tips for harvesting tomatoes include:

  • Collect them when they are red and ripe.
  • But hold them by hand and just turn until they separate to remove the tomatoes without damaging the tomato stalks.
  • Also add a mixture of earthworm humus and coconut fiber to a jar for commercial farming.
  • It is best to use 60-40%. And moisten with water.
  1. Tips for growing the best tomatoes

This is the best expert advice on growing tomatoes. We planned to share the best tips to help both beginners and professional farmers.

  • For maximum profits, start with disease-resistant strains.
  • More roots make the plant stronger.
  • Seedlings will not start surprisingly. The soil and air temperature remain constantly heated.
  • Red or black plastic can be used to provide air and ground heat.
  • Use straw mulch. This will help prevent leaf (leaf) infections caused by rain.
  • Tomato horns eat leaves, flowers and fruits.
  • However, there is no easy solution. They need to be taken by hand from the plant.
  • Also use a pH meter to measure and ensure nitrogen and potassium.
  • Because it is the most important feed that guarantees a good harvest.

Protect against rats and other insectivores that eat tomatoes:

There is such suffering in the mouse garden. While many animals and insects eat them. However, the worst rats are the most harmful. Because this evil predator lives in your field, going to a bad harvest.

In addition, they easily attract snails and rabbits. Therefore, you need to be especially careful when the fruit is going to tear. Because during this period, when fighters are most active. In addition, insects that eat the leaves themselves destroy throughout the growing season.

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In Conclusion

Tomatoes are  food we can’t help but notice in our diet. It also has a high nutritional power to give our dishes a very tasty taste. If you want to learn how to grow tomatoes at home, you can follow all our tips for growing tomatoes. If you like our offers, let us know. Comment below and share this article with your friends.

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