The Ultimate Guide To Rice Production In Ghana – Check It

Rice production in Ghana is an attractive process for everyone. Ghana, located along the tropics, is one of the few countries whose agricultural economies are more than happy.

The agricultural sector earns the country the largest share of state revenue – about 42 percent. For this reason, much is being done to diversify the sector. Part of this process is the growth of rice production in Ghana.

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Rice is a staple food for most people in the world. Ghana is one of the countries that has focused on rice production. Rice production in Ghana began in 1957, and since then the diet has shifted to rice, especially in cities.

The shift to rice consumption is associated with increased incomes, simple cooking, light storage capacity, and favorable government pricing policies. Rice production requires favorable conditions such as nutrients, sufficient rainfall, nutrients and good management practices.


The following is information that is important to ensure successful rice production. Exceptional facts about the largest gold producer in Africa


History of rice production in Ghana


18th century, Rice has been an important commercial product in Ghana. Rice production has been facilitated by the autonomy policy implemented by the Ghanaian government in the 1970s. Since then, rice has become a necessary crop in Ghana. The northern region of Ghana is the largest rice producer, accounting for 61% of all rice in the country. Local rice production in Ghana does not meet the annual demand in the country. The country imported rice, which accounted for up to 50% of the country’s rice consumption. It is therefore important to understand the procedure for starting a rice farm in order to increase rice production in the country and thus reduce rice imports.


Rice cultivation in Ghana

Rice production in Ghana takes place in several stages to be successful. Rice cultivation is arranged as follows.

  1. Location selection

The selection and management of the soil used on the rice farm begins during the fallow period or the previous season before planting begins.

If you decide to produce rice, the soil chosen for the continent or for seed should not have been planted with different types of rice next season.

The country must be inspected easily and regularly. Sowing of land and the main field must be of medium yield. It should not be too fertile as it will deter the growth of luxury plants.

The place should be shallow with medium water depth, i.e. up to 50 cm water depth. An excess of 10-20 cm is also suitable for the cultivation of rice. There may be no major flooding in the selected area. Areas with clay soils are not suitable for growing rice due to their long water retention capacity. A square or rectangular field is suitable for growing rice. The importance of agriculture in Ghana


  1. Soil preparation

Soil preparation is important to ensure that the field is ready for planting rice. A well-prepared field fights weeds, provides soil mass that is important for transplanting, recycles plant nutrients and provides a suitable surface that is suitable for sowing.

Soil preparation involves a wide range of practices, from tillage to minimal tillage, which reduces soil disturbance, to soils that are completely “soaked”, which destroys the soil structure. Soil preparation involves the plow digging or “cultivating” the soil. It also genuinely includes breaking up clods of soil into smaller particles and allowing plant debris to penetrate into them.

Finally, soil preparation involves leveling the field. The preparation of the land for rice cultivation usually begins with fallow or the last harvest. It is important to control weeds and soil enrichment. In most cases, the land is prepared three weeks before planting begins.


  1. Choice of plant material

It is important to understand the best rice seed, and because good seed results in heavier, healthier and more productive seedlings. Good seeds also grow seedlings that recover very quickly after the transplant cook.


It also leads to rapid root growth, which facilitates the uptake of nutrients from the soil. Finally, good seed yields uniform growth and germination of seedlings, making it easier for the farmer to identify time management techniques such as irrigation, weeding, transplanting and fertilizing.


A good sample of rice must be genetically pure, and this can be achieved by obtaining seeds from a reliable source such as the International Agricultural Organization and the Ministry of Agriculture.


The moisture content of the seed should not exceed 14%, as it will rot if improperly stored. The seeds should grow by 80%. Seeds must be free from pests, diseases and weed seeds.

When the origin of the seed is unknown, the seed sample can be evaluated by observation. Improper dryness, genetic impurities, pest infection, disease infection only occur when they start to grow.

  1. Preparation of plant material

Before planting rice seed, it must first be soaked in water and then incubated on the seed beds.

This activity ensures that the seed will germinate at the time it is inserted into the soil. Pre-germination will encourage rapid growth and reduce the likelihood that rainwater will float the seed.


  1. Vegetable rice

Planting can be done using two practices that directly transplant and sow. Transplantation involves the transfer of pereginated seedlings from the seedbed to the field. This use requires fewer seeds.


It is also an effective way to ensure weed control, but more work will be needed. Direct sowing, on the other hand, involves sowing pre-germinated seedlings or dry seeds by hand or machine.

In a rainwater- and deep-water-fed ecosystem, dry seeds are sown on the soil surface and harvested by plowing until the soil is dry.


  1. Use of fertilizers

At each stage of growth, rice plants need specific nutrients.

Therefore, nutrition management is an essential aspect of rice cultivation. The unique properties associated with the flooded soil set rice apart from other crops.

Prolonged flooding in rice fields may allow farmers to obtain nitrogen raw materials from biological sources, so nitrogen fertilizers may not be needed to maintain yields.

Hosts can adjust the amount of nutrients to a certain specific level to increase yields.

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  1. Harvesting

Harvesting is understood as the process of collecting rice in a mature field.

Rice is usually prepared for harvest 105-150 days after planting. Harvesting activities include cutting, handling, cleaning, cleaning, threshing and towing.

The method of harvesting determines the degree of grain yield and grain damage. The rice crop can be harvested mechanically or manually.

Manual harvesting involves harvesting with hand tools such as knives and knives. Manual harvesting is best when the crop is tilted or lying down, although it is labor intensive.

It also required more labor to collect and export crops. On the other hand, the mechanical harvesting involves the use of combine harvesters, which is less common due to the price and availability of machinery.

After the rice is harvested, it must be threshed to obtain rice grains that can be reached by machine or by hand.

Rice production and consumption in Ghana Local rice production in Ghana is lower than consumption needs. The demand for rice is more than the supply in Ghana due to the large population and high standard of living, including inadequate marketing and production arrangements.

The province is being forced to import up to 200% rice to make up the deficit, depleting a limited foreign exchange. The increase in rice production will play an important role in ensuring cash and food security for those who cannot afford irrigation technology.


Rice farm equipment

In Ghana, rice equipment is divided into tillage equipment, harvesting equipment and sowing equipment.

Equipment includes, for example, mowers, tractors, seed drills, seed drills, windshield wipers. Equipment is important for the production of rice because it is used in the production process.


Profitability of rice cultivation

In terms of popularity, rice is the second place among maize in the world. The rice business in Ghana is profitable due to the huge demand for rice in the market. In modern society, agriculture is the most valuable business.

Oil, gas and technology can not only feed people, but also agricultural commodities. Therefore, the cultivation of rice in Ghana will improve the profitability of the businessman and the country as the import of rice decreases.

The only way rice can be profitable is to reduce processing costs and improve the transportation system.

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