How To Start a Profitable Nutmeg Farming Business – 2022/2023 Guide

Nutmeg farming on a large scale, or commercial scale, is a historic, frequent, and popular enterprise in many regions across the world. Nutmeg is a highly healthy spice with a large profit margin.

Let us first discuss nutmeg before moving on to the nutmeg farming industry. Nutmeg is a perennial evergreen tree that grows to around 10 meters in height and yields two spices. When you establish a commercial nutmeg farming enterprise, this tree will produce nutmeg and mace.

Mace is the dried aril enclosing the seed, whereas nutmeg is the dry kernel of the seed. Mace is the dried net-like covering of the seed’s shell, and nutmeg is the shelled, dried seed of the plant Myristica fragrans.

Nutmeg is the seed or ground spice of various spices belonging to the Myristica genus. True nutmeg, also known as fragrant nutmeg, is a dark-leaved evergreen tree grown for two spices obtained from its fruit (nutmeg from the seed and mace from the seed covering). It’s also a commercial source of nutmeg butter and essential oil.

Although Torreya californica, sometimes known as California nutmeg, contains a seed that looks similar to Myristica fragrans, it is not related to Myristica fragrans and is not used as a spice. Indonesia is the world’s leading producer of nutmeg and mace.

Read also: Measures to Control Weeds in Maize Production -2022

There are several varieties of nutmeg, but the most common commercial species is the common, true, or fragrant nutmeg, which is native to Indonesia’s Moluccas.

Nutmeg trees are dioecious plants that can be grown from seeds, cuttings, or grafting. When propagating from seeds, around half of the seedlings are male and unproductive. Grafting is the favored technique of propagation because of this.

Epicotyl grafting, approach grafting, and patch budding have all shown to be effective, with epicotyl grafting being the most often used method. Because of its poor success rate (35–40%), air layering is an alternative but not preferred method.

Nutmeg trees produce their initial harvest seven to nine years after planting, and they achieve full production after roughly twenty years.

In the year 2019, global nutmeg production was 142,000 tonnes, with Indonesia, Guatemala, and India accounting for 38,000 to 43,000 tonnes apiece and 85 percent of the total.

Commercial nutmeg cultivation, on the other hand, is a simple and profitable enterprise. Plant care is simple, and even if you are a novice, you can start this business to earn money. We’re attempting to describe this firm in further detail here.

Nutmeg has a wide range of applications. Nutmeg and mace have comparable sensory characteristics, albeit nutmeg is slightly sweeter and mace is more delicate. The vivid orange, the saffron-like hue of mace is typically favored in light dishes.

Nutmeg is a spice that is used to flavor a variety of meals. Nutmeg can also be ground whole at home using a nutmeg grater or a multi-purpose grating tool.

The fruit covering, or pericarp is used to produce jam or finely sliced, boiled with sugar, and crystallized to form a fragrant candy. It is used to make juice, pickles, and chutney in the Kerala Malabar area of India.

The essential oil extracted from pulverized nutmeg by steam distillation is used in the fragrance and pharmaceutical industries.

Nutmeg is planted in between two rows of coconut palm so as to accommodate 50-60 plants per acre. Trees of 15 years of age and above will yield about 1000-2000 or more fruits and large trees, which are over 30 years of age, may yield about 3000-10000 fruits per year

Nutritional Values of Nutmeg

Nutmeg is high in fiber, which helps to maintain the digestive system healthy and prevents blood sugar spikes. It’s also a great place to get:

Vitamin A is a fat-soluble vitamin that is
Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant.
Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant.
Copper, phosphorus, zinc, iron, and other metals
Per Serving Nutrients
Nutmeg provides the following nutrients in a one-tablespoon serving:

1 gram carbohydrate
12 calories
1 gram of fat
0-gram fiber
0-gram protein
1 gram sugar

Nutmeg’s Health Benefits

Nutmeg is a highly healthy spice that has several health benefits when used daily. We’re attempting to describe the top nutmeg health benefits here.

  • Nutmeg has a lot of antioxidants in it (including phenolic compounds, essential oils, and plant pigments). All of these antioxidants aid in the prevention of cellular damage and may help to prevent chronic diseases.
  • Nutmeg may lower inflammation by blocking some inflammatory enzymes, according to Healthline.
    According to some animal studies, “large dosages of nutmeg may boost libido and bed performance.”
    Nutmeg has antibacterial properties and is effective against bacteria that can be harmful, such as E. coli and streptococcus mutans.
  • Nutmeg eating can help to lower the risk of heart disease.
  • Nutmeg extract was discovered to have a substantial antidepressant effect in both mice and rats in rodent experiments.
  • Nutmeg eating regularly may help regulate blood sugar levels.
  • Nutmeg consumption has several additional health benefits in addition to the ones listed above.
  • Nutmeg is beneficial to digestion.
  • Nutmeg can help with pain alleviation.
  • It is beneficial to Alzheimer’s disease patients.
  • It is highly beneficial for enhancing brain function when consumed regularly.
  • Nutmeg can help you sleep better, thus it’s a good option for Insomnia patients.
  • Nutmeg is also beneficial to dental health and is beneficial to leukemia patients.
  • It may assist to decrease blood pressure if consumed regularly.
  • Nutmeg is also beneficial to bone health when consumed regularly.
  • Nutmeg might also help to dissolve kidney stones.
  • Nutmeg is a detoxifier that aids in the removal of toxins from the body when consumed regularly.
  • Nutmeg aids in the reduction of skin inflammation and irritation.
  • Nutmeg Farming Business Benefits

Commercial nutmeg farming, like many other agribusinesses, has several advantages. We’re attempting to describe the top benefits of nutmeg growing in this article.

Starting a commercial nutmeg farming business is relatively easy even novices can get started quickly.
Commercial nutmeg farming is a great method to make money because it is very profitable.
Nutmeg production on a large scale is already a well-established industry, with many people involved.

As a result, you won’t have to stress too much about the beginning and running of this firm.
Nutmeg plants are tough and hardy, and they require less care and attention than other plants.

As a result, growing them is relatively simple. Plants may be grown and cared for by even the most inexperienced gardeners.
The demand for nutmeg is gradually increasing, but the price is already very high. As a result, the profits from this business are significantly higher.
Nutmeg marketing is simple and all nutmeg items have high market demand and value.

Commercial nutmeg cultivation is a lucrative enterprise, therefore it could be a suitable fit for educated but unemployed people.
Nutmeg commercial production provides excellent employment opportunities for rural residents.
In the commercial nutmeg farming sector, production expenses are substantially lower. Once the plants are established, the costs are relatively low.
In comparison to many other crop farming businesses, nutmeg growing has lower labor and other care expenditures.
Nutmeg is a highly nutritious and healthful spice, and if you establish your own production business, you can enjoy fresh nutmeg.

Nutmeg Farming: How to Get Started

Launching a commercial nutmeg farming operation is similar to starting a fruit farming operation. It’s incredibly basic and straightforward, and even novices can get started quickly.

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Before starting this business, we recommend that you have some practical expertise or experience. We’re attempting to discuss this company in greater detail, from planting to caring to harvesting and marketing.

Choosing a Location

First and foremost, you must choose exceptionally fertile terrain to begin your nutmeg-growing business. Soils that are well-drained fertile, and have a high organic content are considerably better for plant growth and yield.

Sandy loam, clay loam, and red laterite are the finest soils for growing nutmeg. Drought and stagnant water conditions are not conducive to commercial nutmeg farming. A pH of 6.0 to 7.0 is ideal for plant growth.

Soil Preparation

It is also critical to meticulously prepare the land. Plough the field well until it reaches a fine tilth level, which will kill any weeds leftover from earlier crops. While preparing the soil, incorporate as much organic matter as possible.

Nutmeg farming necessitates a specific climate.

Plants that grow nutmeg thrive in damp and warm climates. Annual rainfall of 150 cm or more is required by the plants. They can reach a height of 1000 meters above sea level.

Select a Wide Range of Options
It’s crucial to pick the correct variety. There are a lot of different varieties to pick from, and some of them are better than others. You might seek advice from your local producers for more accurate recommendations.


Seeds and grafting are both used for propagation. Nutmeg propagation methods include patch budding and approach grafting.

Seeds/Seedlings can be purchased.
Seedlings can be grown from seeds or through grafting. If you buy seedlings from a nursery near you, you can avoid all of these hassles.


At the start of the monsoon or wet season, seedlings should be planted in the main field. Pits of 0.75 meters x 0.75 meters should be dug and filled with organic manure and healthy soil about 2 weeks before actual planting.

The actual planting spacing varies greatly, but 7 to 8 meters appears to be adequate. In the case of grafting, a 5-meter × 5-meter area is ideal. After you’ve planted the seedlings, give them some shade and water them.


It’s critical to take proper care of your plants if you want them to develop and produce as much as possible. We’re attempting to describe the common nutmeg plant care process here.


Nutmeg plants are typically grown with organic fertilizers. A dose of chemical fertilizer, on the other hand, will aid in the growth of the plants. Better advice can be obtained by consulting with a local specialist.


Nutmeg plants, in general, require adequate irrigation and water to produce high-quality fruits. The exact frequency of irrigation, however, is dependent on the season, the soil’s moisture retention ability, and the plant’s age. During the summer, the plants demand frequent irrigation.

Getting Rid of Weeds

Weeds deplete the soil’s nutrients. Controlling weeds is therefore critical. Weed control will be greatly aided by manual weeding.

Shading & Mulching

Mulching plant basins regularly will be useful, especially in the first few years following planting. In the early stages of nutmeg plantation/plant growth, banana trees can be grown for shade.

Inter cropping

In nutmeg farming, any low-growing vegetables can be used as intercrops, especially in the early stages of the plantation. Nutmeg grows best as an intercrop in old coconut orchards, clove, areca-nut, and coffee gardens with light shade conditions.

Diseases and Pests

Nutmeg trees, like many other fruit trees, are susceptible to pests and diseases. On the pencil-thick branches, the hard scale saissetia nigra appears and disappears, leaving the tissues exposed. Sooty mould covers contaminated shoots inexorably, and it can be managed by spot spraying with quinalphos 0.025 percent.

Fruit rot is caused by the fungus Colletotrichum gloeosporioides and the bacterium Botryodiplodia theobromae. On the fruits, water-soaked sores appear, causing the tissues to darken and disintegrate.

The disease is characterized by premature pericarp breaking and rotting of mace and seed. This illness can be controlled by spraying a 1 percent Bordeaux mixture on the affected area.

Shot Hole & Leaf Spot

The first signs of leaf spot and shot hole are sunken patches encircled by a yellow hole. During the rainy season, spray a 1 percent Bordeaux mixture 2-3 times to control the sickness.


Female nutmeg trees begin fruiting in their sixth year and reach their optimum harvesting time after 20 years. 9 months after blossoming, the fruits will be ready to pick.

Flowering and harvesting of nutmeg are done all year in commercial nutmeg cultivation. When the pericarp cracks open, the nutmeg fruits are ripe and ready to pick.

The nutmeg should be harvested with a bill hook. The mace should be manually separated from the nut once the outer fleshy piece has been removed. Drying the nuts and mace separately for 3 to 5 days is recommended.


It’s difficult to estimate the exact amount. Because the precise amount is determined by the soil, weather conditions, and farming procedures.

From the eighth year forward, you can expect 480 kg mace per hectare and 3122 kg nuts per hectare in commercial nutmeg growing. However, in the coming years, the total yield will rise. From 25-year-old trees, the potential production of 4,800 kg mace per hectare and 31,000 kg nuts per hectare can be obtained.

Nutmeg product marketing is simple. Your products will be easy to sell at the local market or in any nearby town. However, before establishing this business, we propose that you figure out your marketing strategy.

These are the most frequent processes and methods for starting and running a profitable nutmeg farming operation. I hope you found this guide useful! Best wishes and may God bless you!

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    1. Kofi Sekyi October 14, 2022

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