The Single Most Important Thing You Need To Know About Ostrich Farming In Ghana.

In today’s article i am going to focus on the ultimate guide on How to start a profitable Ostrich farming business in Ghana.

Keep your eyes fixed and enjoy reading.

Commercial rearing of ducks, chickens, quails or pigeons has already established itself as an industry in many parts of the world. However, ostrich farming is a relatively new agricultural idea compared to these birds.

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Nowadays, many countries around the world have started growing ostriches as a new business venture. The ostrich feather is extremely valuable, which is mainly used for home decoration. Their skin is also very valuable and the meat is considered a delicious food and is in high demand in the international market.

The scientific name of the ostrich is Struthio Camelis. The ostrich is the largest bird among all bird species. They also produce the largest eggs.

The adult male ostrich weighs 63 to 130 kg (140 to 290 pounds) and the adult female weighs about 155 kg (340 pounds). Adult male ostrich feathers are black, primary and caudal feathers are white. Female and baby ostrich feathers can be gray or white. Ostrich male and female neck almost without feathers.

Long legs and neck keep the head at a distance of 1.8-2.75 meters from the ground. Their eyes are also gigantic in size. Their large eyes help monitor enemy activity. Their legs are very strong and without features, like other birds. Most birds have four fingers, but ostriches have only two. When they spread their wings, the distance is about 2 meters.

They give shade to your baby with wings. The ostrich’s lips are flat, wide, and the head slightly arched. They have no food and gallbladder. The urine and garbage system are separated from each other. Ostriches usually reach sexual maturity by 2 to 4 years.

The height of a mature male bird is about 1.8 to 2.8 meters, and that of a female bird is about 1.7 to 2 meters. For the first two years, the birds grow 28 cm per year and weigh about 45 kg.

Ostrich availability

Previously, ostrich habitats were in North Africa, sub-Saharan Africa, East Africa, southern African forests, and Asia Minor. Their habitats were then confined to the meadows of the open African territory and they began to roam the desert or semi-desert areas of southwest Africa.

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Ostrich behavior

During the winter season, they stayed for two or alone. During the breeding or dry season, they remain in a group of 5 to 50 birds. One female ostrich from the group lives like a queen. They used to roam with zebras and deer.

They remain on the prairie by day and sometimes by the moon at night. They have great visual and auditory power. Using vision and hearing, they can understand the enemy’s situation and protect themselves from lions or other wildlife.

When attacking any wild animal, they can move very quickly at a speed of 70 km per hour. Ostriches are faster among others than other animals. As they run, they use their wings as a steering wheel.

How to start ostrich farming in Ghana

Starting a commercial ostrich farm is very easy and simple. Here we are trying to describe more about starting this business.

Feed management for ostrich farming in Ghana

Ostriches usually eat plants, grass, fruits, flowers, tree leaves, and grains. They also occasionally eat insects. For commercial ostrich farming, you can feed them poultry feed regularly. A balanced and nutritious list of ostrich feed is given below.

• 20-24% of crude protein
• 12-19% crude fiber
• 1.2-2% of calcium
• 0.6-1.1% of phosphorus
• 10,000-15,000 IU / kg of vitamin A
• from 1,500 to 2,500 IU / kg of vitamin D

During the breeding season, the feed formula will be the same, but add 2.8% more calcium to your feed. Also provide them with green leafy vegetables and grass with pelleted feed and add extra trace elements.

Ostrich meat

Ostrich meat is less fat than other animal meats. As a result, you can quickly prepare. Ostrich meat is also low in fatty acids. Take a look at some of the obvious properties of ostrich meat.

• Ostrich meat contains less than 3% fat.
• Their meat is usually harvested for consumption from the thighs, legs and back.
• Their food processing efficiency is much better than other animals.
• Ostrich meat also contains unsaturated fatty acids.

Like chickens, ostriches also eat small pieces of stone to properly digest food. You will find about 1 kg of stones in the stomach of an adult ostrich. Ostriches can survive without water for several days.

They collect water from used grass or leaves. But if they find water, they drink and wash often. Ostriches can tolerate frequent temperature changes.

They too can tolerate daytime temperature swings of 400 ° C. In extreme cold, they cover their feet with large wings, which help keep their bodies warm.


Ostriches usually reach sexual maturity at the age of 2-4 years. The female ostrich matures 6 months earlier than the male ostrich.

The breeding season runs from March or April to September. This reproductive process can be highly dependent on weather conditions.

A male ostrich can mate with more than 2-7 female ostriches. Ostriches make a special kind of sound during the mating season. The male ostrich spreads his wing to attract the female. If a male bird can impress a female, go to a quiet place and leave the others.

The female lays her eggs in a hole 30 to 60 cm deep and about 3 meters wide. Ostrich males dig this hole for their females. The egg can be about 15 cm long on average, 13 cm wide and weigh about 1.4 kg. The eggshell is dense and shiny cream color.

There are some small spots on the surface of the egg. Both male and female ostrich hatch eggs one after the other during the day and night. It usually takes around 35-45 days for the eggs to hatch. The male ostrich takes care of the cubs and teaches them to feed them.

The survival of ostrich cubs is very low. In nature, their main enemies are lions, foxes, vultures and more.
Ostrich puppies require special care by keeping them at home for about 8 weeks.

The home temperature of newborn ostrich cubs should be between 28.0 and 30.0 ° C. Feed them 3-4 times a day for the first week. After that, the ambient temperature should be at least 30.0c for the next three weeks.

Feeding ostrich chicks is very difficult and expensive. Provide the necessary amino acids, proteins, energy and trace elements with chicken food

Can you raise ostriches in cold climates?

Yes. Ostriches are indigenous to Africa & warmer climates. But they can tolerate colder temperatures as well. … They prosper in climates between 86 F and -22 F (30 C and -30 C).
    1. Noel Ayivor February 13, 2022

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