A Comprehensive Guide To Ginger Production In Ghana – 2023 Guide

This guide will focus on a Detailed Guide to Ginger farming In Ghana.

It is often argued that another agricultural treasure is the production of ginger (Zingiber officinale).

First and foremost, we’d like you to examine a more efficient technique of ginger production.


This is a cost-effective, yield-increasing, and environmentally friendly technique of ginger cultivation.

Ginger production is divided into four stages: planning, pre-planting, planting, agronomic practices, harvesting, and packing.

Steps for growing ginger in Ghana.

Planning is the first stage.
This is an important step that should not be skipped.

This is the stage in which you imagine all of the processes from beginning to conclusion. During planning, you list all of the important components and requirements of ginger production, as well as the tactics you’ll employ to achieve the finest potential result.

At this point, you’re attempting to answer essential questions such as;

How much does it cost to grow ginger in Ghana and what are the advantages?

Make a thorough cost-benefit study of ginger production. Make a precise budget that includes all of the materials and labor that will be required to develop a specific region. Calculate the cost of your labor and any inputs you may or may not purchase.

Costs of various technologies are compared. Make your decision based on application, cost, and long-term viability.

What is the best location for growing ginger in Ghana?

Ginger grows best in well-drained loamy soils. Stay away from flooded places. The location must be easily accessible for harvest hauling and other mechanical activities.

Consider conducting a soil analysis. The data will assist you in determining the land’s fertility and accessible soil nutrients. This will assist you in determining the appropriate amount of fertilizer or manure to use.

What is the best way to market and sell ginger in Ghana?

Selling fresh at the open foodstuff market, selling fresh and in bulk to alcoholic beverage companies, selling fresh to aggregators, and processing into powder or juice are all options.

Before you begin, have a clear notion of what you want and even make contact with potential purchasers.

Where can I acquire good planting supplies in Ghana and how do I get them?

Know where you can acquire high-quality ginger planting materials. Per acre, around 37.5bags (1,500kg) of ginger materials are required.

Planting materials and ginger varieties in Ghana.

Pre-planting is the second stage.

Getting the Land Ready

The cost of various land preparation procedures varies. The traditional approach entails slashing or eradicating weeds, burning or removing weed leftovers, and plowing the soil. Then there’s the no-till approach, in which the cleared residue is left to blanket the land’s surface rather than being plowed.


There are two wet seasons in the ginger-growing regions. Ginger takes 6–8 months to mature after planting. To get the best yields from ginger, you’ll need adequate rainfall in both seasons.

It is advantageous to provide irrigation. When you plant, you can expect bigger yields. Irrigation using sprinklers is ideal for ginger.

Preparation of planting materials.

The same root/rhizome that is ingested is used to cultivate ginger. Before planting, the whole is split into smaller pieces using a sharp knife and treated. The size of cuttings is determined by humidity and the moisture content of the soil.

Planting and agronomic methods in the third stage

Ginger seedlings
Between March and May, you can plant ginger following a period of regular rainfall. Climate change is causing this trend to shift. Production will be assured in inclement weather thanks to the deployment of sustainable technologies. Mulch and/or irritate ginger after planting to achieve optimum sprouting.

Planting distance: 20cm apart, no ridges

20cm x 30cm ridges

Plant at a depth of 4–10cm.

Consider the appropriate distance and depth; how your land is prepared

The depth of planting will be determined by the size of the planting material.

The weather conditions in question

Ginger irrigating

For ginger, a sprinkler watering method is ideal. Look into different systems and see whether they’re a good fit. Irrigate softly but uniformly every 4-7 days, depending on the type of soil, where rainfall is not evenly distributed. Waterlogging should be avoided at all costs.

Application of fertilizer

Use the soil test data as a guide when applying fertilizer. During field preparation, apply 25-30 tons/ha of well-decomposed organic manure. Alternatively, spread 600 kg/ha (12 bags) of NPK 15-15-15 over two applications, with 5 bags applied three weeks after sprouting and 7 bags applied three months after planting.

Read also:Fertilizer Application – The Basic Principles That Every Farmer Must Know.

Getting rid of weeds in ginger

Handpicking weeds during the growing season or shallow weeding to prevent injuring plants are effective ways to control weeds.

Controlling pests in ginger

Cutworms, aphids, root-knot nematodes, stem borer, African black beetles, and rats occasionally attack the shoots or roots,evethoughht there are no major pests due to the fragrant nature of the crop. Use IPM techniques or EPA-approved chemicals.

Ginger is used to fighting disease.

Plants can be affected by diseases such as bacterial wilt, leaf spot, fusarium and pythium rot, soft rot, and cork rot. However, you may easily control them by maintaining rigorous sanitation, using bio-agents such as (Trichoderma), increasing drainage, and applying EPA-approved fungicides to the set before planting.

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Stage 4: Ginger harvesting and packaging

Ginger harvesting
5-10 months after planting, ginger is ready to harvest. The tops begin to die and dislodge. By hoeing the field or beds, the rhizomes can be harvested. Alternatively, the ridges can be toppled. However, when harvesting the rhizomes, take care not to bruise or hurt them. Harvest ginger for the fresh export market a little earlier as well (about 7 months). The rhizome’s fiber concentration is minimal at this stage.

Ginger crop yield

Before drying, the yield is around 15-20 tons per hectare. This equates to 300-500 bags.

Ginger post-harvest handling

Shake off the earth after digging, remove all roots, and thoroughly wash the rhizomes. Dry in the shade for 2 days.

After harvesting, ginger is dried.
To acquire quality ginger, dry it evenly. Depending on market demand, it may be scraped or not scraped. Furthermore, the value of dried ginger is determined by its whiteness, which is achieved through thorough washing and consistent drying. Liming (2 percent solution for 6 hours, then 10 days in the sun) improves color and appearance. It also guards the rhizomes against mildew and other pests. Dry to a moisture level of 8-10% and store at 10-120°C and 90% relative humidity.

After the harvest, ginger is graded.
Depending on the size and color of the item. The finest grade has large hands and fingers that are free of dirt and mildew residues.

Specifications for the market

The color of the ginger should be consistent and clean. The fiber content of fresh ginger should be less than 3.5 percent (for export); otherwise, it should have a stronger pungency (local).

Ginger’s packaging

Dried ginger is available in 25 and 50 kilogram mesh bags. Fresh ginger can be packaged in either a (288x203x108)mm or a (457x297x153)mm box for export.

    1. sumaila yakubu February 23, 2023

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