How To Hatch Snail Eggs In 6 Simple steps – 2022

Have you been seeking for a technique to hatch more snails for your snail farm by incubating your snail eggs?

Is it okay if I tell you something?

One of the most straightforward aspects of snail farming is the hatching of snail eggs.

As a result, you won’t find many papers that address this issue in depth.

They presume you should be able to hatch snail eggs on your own without assistance.

I’ll walk you through the complete process of setting up an incubator for snail eggs, as well as how to incubate snail eggs, in this article.

Read also:Equipment Needed For Snail Farming In 2022

Not only that,  there’s more!

I’ll also show you how to care for the snail eggs while they’re still in the incubator, as well as how to keep track of the baby snails’ hatching for business purposes.

I’ve included a video at the bottom of this page that will show you nearly everything you need to know about hatching snail eggs.

Let’s jump right in if you’re ready!!

Snails reproduce in a variety of ways.

GALS (Giant African Land Snails) are hermaphrodites, which means they have male and female reproductive organs.

Snails, despite being hermaphrodites, still need to mate to create snail eggs.

The mating process is often compared as a struggle.

You’d think they’d suffocate themselves in the process.

Each snail will lay its eggs in clutches and bury them in the dirt after mating.

Each laying season, giant African land snails can lay between 40 and 100 snails.

two colossal African snails Mating snails
The method of snail reproduction is as follows: Mating of two snails
Here’s something to make you smile…

Snails have a high level of intelligence, did you know?

They don’t simply deposit their eggs in the earth; they lay them in a portion of the soil that is suited for incubation.

Read also:How To Start A Profitable Snail Farm

However, regrettably…

Because the snails are kept in captivity, the farm manager’s activities within the enclosure tend to interrupt the snail eggs’ pristine state.

Surprisingly, some snails are also extremely unintelligent.

They simply lay a clutch of eggs on the ground, covering it in no way.

As a result, you must remove the eggs and incubate them in a separate snail cage.

You enhance your chances of having more hatched snail eggs if you incubate the snail eggs yourself.

If you haven’t already done so, read “How to Start a Snail Farming Business” for further information about snail farming.

How to Incubate Snail Eggs

Snail eggs hatching is a straightforward procedure.

Collect the eggs from the snail pen first.
Prepare an incubator for the snail eggs to hatch.
In the snail egg incubator, incubate the eggs.
Follow the progress of the snail eggs as they hatch.
While the snail eggs are incubating, take care of them.
Collect the newly hatched snails and place them in a separate pepanLaying an egg by Achatina marginata
An egg is laid by an Achatina marginata.

1st step: Take the eggs out of the snail pen.
You’ll need to inspect the pen every day once your snails start laying eggs to pick out the eggs.

You’ll need a hoe to gently till the soil and pick out the snail eggs.

Read also:How To Get Rid Of Insect Pest In Snail Farm

Please take note of this!

Never pick up the snails’ eggs with your hand.

Snail eggs that are picked up with your bare hands have a lower likelihood of hatching.

Instead of plucking the snail eggs with a fork, use a plastic spoon and a plastic tray to gather them.

After you’ve collected all of the eggs, you can move on to the next step, which is to incubate the snail eggs.

Take note of this…

You must return weekly or biweekly to check for new eggs once your snails begin laying eggs.

Step 2: Set up an incubator for the snail eggs to hatch.
Snail eggs are not incubated in the same way that poultry eggs are in incubators or hatcheries.

In a professional snail farming system, it’s just a mixture of soil and a tiny bit of water in a Tupperware container or one of your snail enclosures.

If you want an exact percentage of water to combine with the soil, read this study on the effect of water on incubating snail eggs.

“Rural snail breeders can be assured of good snail egg hatchability by using a 15% water content (gram water per gram dry soil, weight per weight) during incubation of snail eggs buried in sealed containers to avoid evaporation,” the researcher stated.

Choose how you want to incubate the snail eggs when you’ve got the right mix of soil and water.

It’s fine to keep snails in a Tupperware with air holes in the lid if you maintain them as a pet.

Incubation of snail eggs in a Tupperware
Incubation of snail eggs in a Tupperware
Fill your pen with soil to a depth of 15–20cm from the floor for commercial snail farming.

Following that…

To loosen the dirt, use a hand fork or trowel.

Because the soil isn’t too thick, you can also use your hand to loosen it.

Snail hatchlings can easily emerge from the earth after loosening the dirt before incubating the snail eggs.

You’ve finished preparing the snail eggs incubator if you’ve followed the steps to this point.

Isn’t it simple?

The snail eggs will then be placed in the incubator as the next step.

Step 3: Place the eggs in the snail egg incubator to incubate.
It’s time to put the eggs in the snail eggs incubator after it’s been prepared.

Open up the soil to about 2 inches deep with a hand trowel or your hand.

The hole’s diameter should be large enough to accommodate your snails.


Scoop the snail eggs into the hole in the incubation pen with the plastic spoon.

After that, loosely cover the snail eggs with about 2 inches of soil.

You’ve finished incubating the snail eggs at this time.

Remember how I said I’d show you how to keep track of the hatching process?

Let’s go there now…

Step 4: Monitor the snail eggs’ hatching progress.
It’s also simple to keep track of the progress of snail eggs as they hatch.

Here’s what you should do…

Get a sheet of paper and write down the date and number of snail eggs in the hole after they’ve been buried in the dirt.

This will assist you in determining when you began incubation and when you will complete it.

Incubation lasts between 21 and 40 days.

It signifies that around the 21st day following incubation, the snail eggs will begin to hatch.

When snail eggs hatch, they naturally crawl out of the small layer of earth that protects them and onto the surface soil.

However, not all of them emerge from the ground.

To get them out, you must check after 21 days.

Gently open the dirt with a plastic spoon and pull out the hatched snails onto a plastic tray.

Count and record the number of snails that have hatched and the number of eggs that remain.

Make sure the total number of snail eggs you put there is equal to the sum of these numbers.

Snail eggs hatch into baby snails.
Snail eggs hatch into baby snails.
Cover the leftover eggs for another 15 days after you’ve finished choosing the hatched snails.

Return after 15 days have passed and select out the hatched snails.

After that day, any remaining eggs in the snail incubation pen should be discarded.

The steps outlined under this subheading will assist you in determining the number of new snails on your snail farm.

This figure will help you estimate how many snails you’ll have following the farming season.

It will also assist you in estimating the amount of feed you will require.

Most significantly, it will assist you in precisely forecasting and calculating your revenue.

Step 5: While the snail eggs are inincubatedtake care of them.
We’re almost done with this guide; I hope you’ve lelearnedomething useful so far.

Earlier in this article, I provided some advice on how to care for snail eggs.

I’ll go ahead and state them again. Here are a few options.

Picking up the snail eggs with your bare hands is not a good idea.
Digging for snail eggs should be done delicately to avoid crushing the eggs.
Pick up new eggs every week or biweekly in the snail pen.
Use a hand sprayer to lightly spray water on the soil to keep the moisture content of the soil up, especially in the northern areas.
To allow the eggs to hatch, do not overwater the soil. The hatching process is harmed when there is too much water in the soil.
Ensure that the humidity and temperature in the incubator remain constant throughout the incubation time.
Remember to only buy the eggs 2 inches deep so that the soil’s weight does not kill the small hatchlings.
Open the dirt with a plastic spoon and remove all the hatched snails before covering the remaining ones.
Step 6: Gather the newly hatched snails and place them in a new pen.
Collect the young snails into a new pen after you’ve done hatching the snail eggs.

Do not pick up the young snails with your bare fingers once more.

You risk crushing their fragile, delicate shells.

The plastic spoon is the ideal snail farming tool for collecting newborn snails.

When you’ve finished transporting the newborn snails to their new pen, make sure to feed them some snail food.

Calcium is the most important meal for a young snail since it aids in the production of a robust shell.

I hope you found this post to be informative.

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